The next morning Gladys is heavily sedated and
unable to answer questions.
- She arouses to sternal rub and her pupils are
sluggish but reactive.
- Her AM vitals show: Temp = 38.1°C, pulse
= 130, BP = 110/70 and Resp = 28.
- Neurolgoical exam reveals no focal deficits
- All extremities withdraw to pain.
- Deep tendon reflexes are normal.
- Neck is supple and there is no evidence of
- The LP results revealed no WBCs, glucose and
protein were normal.
- Hemogram blood was lost.
- Breath sounds are shallow and course, but no
crackles or wheezing is heard.
- Someone does a biox and discovers an oxygen
saturation of 65%
- A chest X-ray is ordered and reveals
diffuse, bilateral infiltrates. Click image for larger view.
- Gladys has pneumocystis pneumonia.
- Aspiration pneumonia should also be
- She is started on Septrin, steroids and
IV Augmentin.
- If sedation is needed, Haldol will be
used as it does not suppress the respiratory drive.
Two days later.