After two days of antibiotics her saturations
improved dramatically, so did her mental status.
- Biox of 75%, then 85% and finally 90+%.
- He mental status returned to normal once her
saturations hit 80-85%.
- The admitting intern did not have a way of
checking her oxygen saturation.
- Oxygen saturation should be checked on all
patients with explained mental status changes.
The differential diagnosis included:
- Tuberculosis, chronic meningitis, severe
asthma and other forms of pneumonia.
Other causes to keep in mind with mental status
changes include:
- Hypoglycemia
- Electrolyte abnormalities (hypocalcemia/hypercalcemia)
- Herbal and/or allopathic medications.
- Infections
- Pellagra
- Organophosphate poisoning
This is the last mental status changes case.
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