Adhiambo is a 30 year-old woman brought to the
clinic by her husband.
She was well until the day before. Now she complains of:
- Fever and headache.
- Her husband says she's been 'acting
- She has a history of tuberculosis 2
years ago, but otherwise is no significant past history.
- She is a thin woman, confused and

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Physical Exam:
- Vital signs: Temp = 38.7°C, Pulse = 100, BP =
100/60, Resp = 24.
- When her neck is flexed, her entire back
arches off the examining table.
- There are no focal neurological deficits, no
JVD and no neck adenopathy.
- She has oral thrush.
- Her lungs are clear and there are no cardiac
abnormalities to auscultation.
- Blood smear is negative for parasites.
An LP is done and she is admitted on
chloramphenicol, Haldol and quinine.
The following morning
Adhiambo is seen on rounds.