The following morning on rounds, Adhiambo's
condition is unchanged although she is now afebrile.
results of the CSF analysis are back.
- For some reason, no WBC count was done.
- Glucose is low and
- The protein is high.
- Gram stain is read as gram negative
rods present.
Adhiambo has a bacterial meningitis |

Photo courtesy of
Université Libre de Bruxelles |
The following day, the intern harasses the lab
and learns the CSF is growing
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Likely the original gram stain was over
washed, making the gram positive diplococci somehow appear to be gram
negative rods.

Photo courtesy of
University of Missouri |
After four days of
Chloramphenicol, Adhiambo began to improve slowly.