Lydia is a 31 year-old woman brought to the
clinic confusion and 'talking a lot'.
- Lydia was well until 2 days ago.
- Unable to answer questions
- Minimally cooperative during the exam.
- Finally admitted she had a headache.
- Family had not noticed nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, dyspnea or cough.
- Treated for malaria one year ago.
- She has 5 children.

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Physical exam
- Vital signs: Afebrile (37.5°C), Pulse = 90, BP
= 110/70, Resp = 22
- Thin woman, oriented as to person only.
- PERLA, but there appears to be a bilateral
sixth nerve palsy.
- Neck is supple, oropharynx, clear, pale mucus
membranes and conjunctivae.
- Chest is clear and there are no abnormal heart
- Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ and gait is
- Blood smear is negative for malaria parasties.
An LP is performed, she was
admitted and empirically started on quinine. |