The next morning on rounds Kalweo is very
apprehensive but now afebrile.
- While examining Kalweo, a breeze of cool
air from the open window strikes his face, causing a respiratory spasm and
- When the intern checks on the CSF
results, she is told no sample was received.
- Hemogram results
- Hgb = 13.5
- WBC = 17K
- Platelest = 210K
- Regarding the scar on his right hand, he
says he was bitten several weeks ago by a stray dog.
- There are dogs everywhere in Kenya,
none of them vaccinated against rabies.
- In deed, Kalweo has rabies, plus
In humans, rabies encehpalitis is almost
invariably fatal. It has two clinical forms.
- Furious rabies and
- Paralytic rabies
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