Mental Status Changes
Acute Confusion
   Fever & Confusion
   Focal Weakness
   Nice Doggie
   She's Talking a Lot
   Police Call
For a variety of reasons, patients with AIDS are hypercoagulable.
  • Proteins C and S, and AT III are decreased.
  • Some people develop antiphospholipid antibodies (so-called lupus anticoagulant).
  • Increases in vWF and D-dimers are seen.
  • The presence of malignancies and destruction of infections increase likelihood of thrmobosis.
  • Protease inhibitors may predispose to thrombosis.
Billy Collins put it rather aptly in the following poem from his collection titled Picnic Lightening.

The heart, no valentine
decides to quit after lunch,
the power shut off like a switch,
a tiny dark ship is unmoored
into the flow of the body’s rivers,
the brain a monastery,
defenseless on the shore.


So, what were the possibilities?
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