Lucy is a 38 year-old woman with a
- Four days of 'hotness of body' (fever).
- Cough productive of dark colored sputum.
- Mild right-sided chest pain
- Indicates anorexa, fatigue, mild dsypnea.
- No orthopnea
- Treated for malaria two years ago, but
otherwise healthy.
Physical exam: |

İwwwKarlGrobl.com |
- Vital signs: Temp = 38.8°C, Pulse = 130, BP =
130/80, Resp = 28.
- Neck supple with no adenopathy or JVD.
- Right upper lobe crackles and diminished
breath sounds.
- Heart sounds normal apart from tachycardia.
- No abdominal masses, bowel sounds present.
- Neurological and extremity exam WNL.
- Blood smear is negative for parasites.
Lucy is admitted, a chest
X-ray is ordered and she is started on IV penicillin.