Grace is a 26 year-old woman with a three
month history of cough.
- Symptoms worsening over three months
- Cough productive of white sputum
- 'Hotness of body' (fever)
- Nausea and dyspnea for several weeks.
- Anorxia and malaise.
- Does not smoke or drink.
- Three uncomplicated pregnancies.

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Physical exam
- Vital signs: Temp = 38.4°C, Pulse = 120, BP =
110/70, Resp = 28
- Pale conjunctiva and mucus membranes, no
- No cervical adenopathy, no JVD, neck is
- Heart is regular, tachycardia and there is a
2/6 early systolic ejection murmur.
- Decreased breath sounds in the apices
- Abdominal, neurological and extremity exams
are unremarkable.
- Blood smear shows 'scanty' malarial parasites.
Grace is admitted with a
diagnosis of malaria and started on quinine.