Naomi is a 26 year-old woman who complains of
cough and weight loss.
- Several months of dry cough and fatigue.
- Moderate weight loss and poor appetite.
- Loose stools and occasional 'hotness of
- Denies chest and abdominal pain.
- No one at home is sick or coughing.
- Her husband died last year.
- She is thin but in no acute distress.
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Physical exam
- Vital signs: Temp = 37.2°C, Pulse = 90, BP =
100/60, Resp = 22.
- She has oral thrush.
- Chest is clear and no abnormal heart sounds
are heard.
- Abdominal, neurological and extremity exams
are within normal limits.
- She is admitted and started on Fluconazole and
- An ELIZA and hemogram is ordered.
The following day on rounds.