Pulling her chest X-ray from under her mattress,
it is held to the window to be read.
- Cyprian's X-ray shows bilateral
interstitial infiltrates.
- At this time her biox is 78% with pulse
of 104
- Her hemogram shows pancytopenia:
- Hbg = 8.5 gm%
- Platelets = 85,000/cumm
- WBC = 2.1/cumm
- Absolute lymphocyte count = 400/cumm
- Blood smear is negative for parasites.

Photo courtesy of NIH |
- It's noted that Cyprian is sharing a bed
with someone who has miliary tuberculosis. It's requested she be
moved to a different bed.
Cyprian has the classic picture of AIDS.
- Presents with PCP (hypoxia, dry cough and
interstitial infiltrates.
- Chronic diarrhea and thrush (in Eldoret,
thrush = AIDS until proven otherwise).
- Pancytopenea
Further evaluation........